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//SPRING 2020


Maureen Roe, English Department

8045 East Chapman Ave.

Orange, CA


(714) 628-4746

Office: E312 or A210

How to be Successful in an English Class


Read Your Syllabus


Don't just read it; understand it. Be certain that you are familiar with all of the course requirements and expectations. Know how many essays you will have to write, when important deadines are, and how grades are calculated.



Ask the Right Questions


Someone might have once told you that there is no such thing as a stupid question. Actually, there are stupid questions. Once you know enough about what is expected of you, you should be able to ask only those questions that will help you succeed.

Be Consistent


Keep up! Don't allow yourself to fall behind. If you do, you will most likely get discouraged and want to quit. Do your work every day, according to the schedule. Don't rely on any last-minute cramming. People don't retain crammed material.




Have a Positive Outlook


It is not likely that you are here because you want to be. More likely is that you have to take this class as a requirement. That's okay. There are lots of tasks you will be asked to do in life that you would rather not do. Look at them as stepping stones, not road blocks.

Revisit your Work...


...over and over again. Do not approach your essays as "one and done" assignments--one draft as your final draft. Rather, expect to prepare at least three drafts before you are pleased enough to call it finished. 

Go the Extra Mile


Don't try to figure out the easiest way to do the least amount of work to fulfill the requirements of the assignment. If I ask you for a "minumum" of two pages, challenge yourself to write at least three.

© 2014 by MAUREEN ROE. 

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